Meet Thea and Reena, our Swedish ambassador!
These two lovely ladies, Thea and Reena, own and run something beautiful called The Yoga Breakfast Club in Sweden. Their concept is founded in hopes of “creating a morning you can’t wait to wake up to”. Their vision to change the way our morning ritual is and allow the morning to be focused on you. How great is that? A morning with the Yoga Breakfast Club started with yoga, which is followed by a wholesome vegetarian breakfast, all while finding yourself in the beauty of nature.
Thea Portefaix is a certified nutritionist and yoga teacher. She has taught Hatha yoga flow with a focus on finding balance between the mind and body. Reena Lindorff was raised with deeply rooted yoga traditions and practices, which brings a very unique understanding to what happens at the Yoga Breakfast Club. Together, these two beautiful ladies are working together to create something amazing and beautiful, while challenging us to change our morning routines.
What does yoga mean to you?
“Yoga is a source of strength and clarity. Strength to find the real person within and clarity to work on the weakest parts and focus on bringing out the best.
Yoga is about finding a beautiful balance between being determined and disciplined and at the same time letting go to get the maximum benefit. We work on ourselves daily through yoga and grow daily - not just in the body, but in our mind and soul too.”
What makes you happy?
“Happiness and health go hand-in- hand for us. We are the happiest when we start the day with a beautiful, reenergizing yoga routine. We also find happiness through our cooking, working on creating healthy recipes, trying different ingredients and their nutritious benefits. Spending time with our children and friends, to cook a great meal for them tops it all. We are thrilled to start spreading this happiness through our Yoga breakfast club.”
What is your favorite yoga to practice?
“To me yoga is not bound to the physical form or different techniques. As I teach I intend to help my students to implement yoga in all different parts of their lives, not just the asanas. The yoga practice for me is constant and I see myself always as a student. In my everyday teaching I learn something new in every class, with every student. In my self practice I love all kinds of yoga depending what state of mind I am in. I practice physical forms of Hatha as well as Vinyasa yoga but I also love Yin and Restorative.”
“My favorite yoga is Hatha yoga practices taught through the Isha Yoga Ashram in India.
One such comprehensive spiritual practice from the Ashram is called Surya Kriya, a powerful and advanced form of Surya Namaskar. It is designed as a holistic process for health, wellness, and complete inner wellbeing. Surya Kriya activates the solar plexus to raise the prana, or solar heat, in the system. It also balances a person’s left and right energy channels, leading to stability of the body and stillness of the mind.”
What do you love about Moonchild Yoga Wear?
“We began our search for a yoga brand that has a similar vision to ours – mindful, natural, beautiful
Moonchild stands for exactly that. The ecofriendly brand designed by people who care is the perfect match for a yoga teachers who care about every aspect of what they do.”
You can follow Reena and Thea and be inspired every day by following her on Instagram with the handle @yogabreakfastclub and read more about everything she does on her website