The Moonchild Journal

Why Spring Clean
Spring cleaning. Why is it important? Why should I do it?  These might be some of the questions you are asking yourself if you are not a routine spring cleaner. Today, we are going to give a little insight into why...
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3 Powerful Teas You Should Drink
Today we are sharing another holistic Moonchild tip with you! Today we are talking about tea and its powerful benefits. There are many teas available to us today. Some we drink for pleasure and taste, while some we may enjoy for their...
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5 Tips to Celebrate the Spring Equinox
It's time for the Spring Equinox! This celebratory day is today! The Spring Equinox, otherwise known as the Northward Equinox marks the point in time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator from South to North.  Simply put, the Spring...
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