The Moonchild Journal

An article written by the upcoming author, yoga teacher and wonderful coach Nanna Hofman “Just be more grateful”“hashtag gratitude”“You have so much”“Love and light” All phrases that are often used in the wellness community - especially online where it seems...
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Lisa Wingårdh worked in finance for years where she lived a lifestyle with a high income and where able to travel around the world. But she soon realized that she just felt more and more empty within and not truly...
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Compassion is our natural state - Have you ever felt compassion for someone?Could you explain what compassion is? To answer these questions is to dive into the deeper meaning and practices of compassion. Compassion is one of the most powerful tools we...
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Compassion can be seen as a very big practice - something we have been thought ever since we were kids, but maybe harder to know how we can practice having compassion in our lives, in everything we do. Compassion can...
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Just like life, the moon goes through different phases. We are getting closer to the new moon phase which we enter on the 16 of October. The new moon is a time to reflect and to set intentions for the...
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